Lunch & Learn - A Piece of the Pie: Granting Tax-Efficient Profits Interests to a Partnership’s Employees or Other Service Providers




12:00 pm


A Piece of the Pie: Granting Tax-Efficient Profits Interests to a Partnership’s Service Providers

If structured properly, the issuance of a profits interest can be a tax-efficient tool for a partnership (including a limited liability company or other non-corporate entity treated as a partnership for tax purposes) to incentivize and reward its employees and other service providers. In this CLE, Mark Berg and Sarah Herman of our Tax Practice Group will discuss the nature of a profits interest, the income tax consequences associated with issuing profits interests and best practices for structuring profits interests to avoid unfavorable tax treatment.

Attend in person or online!

This complimentary program will qualify for 1 hour of PA CLE substantive credit.* 

Tuesday, May 13, 2025
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

Please register here to attend this CLE.

On the registration page, you will be asked to indicate whether you wish to attend in person or online. Please note that in-person capacity is limited. If you select in-person attendance but capacity has been reached, you will be notified so that you may plan to attend online. All Registrants will receive a link to attend online. 

*In order to qualify for CLE credit, you must attend at least 50 minutes of the live presentation. Verification codes will be provided to confirm participation.

Attend in person:

1835 Market Street, 15th Floor

Philadelphia, PA 19103

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