Moore Named to Law360's 2025 Pennsylvania Editorial Advisory Board

PHILADELPHIA (March  21, 2025) – Klehr Harrison Harvey Branzburg LLP is pleased to announce that Ryan M. Moore, a partner in the Litigation Department, has been selected to serve as a member of the 2025 Law360 Pennsylvania Editorial Advisory Board. The editorial advisory boards provide feedback on Law360‘s coverage and expert insight on how best to shape future coverage from the publication.

Moore is the firm’s co-hiring partner. He is a business-focused litigator, whose practice most commonly involves complex civil litigation and commercial disputes, including shareholder class actions, derivative litigation, M&A litigation, and corporate governance disputes. He also counsels clients on litigation risks, both generally and arising from specific strategic transactions. He has a wide range of experience among many substantive areas of law, including contract, fiduciary duties, novel corporate law claims, securities law, and business tort law.

Moore’s practice involves representing clients in all phases of a lawsuit. He has represented clients at trial, procuring successful defense verdicts or favorable settlements. He has represented clients in dozens of appeals across state appellate courts, federal courts of appeals, and before the United States Supreme Court, for parties and amici alike.

He earned his law degree, summa cum laude, from Temple University Beasley School of Law and his undergraduate degree, cum laude from Temple University.

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