Lunch & Learn: Delaware Bankruptcy Litigation Overview




12:00 pm


Delaware Bankruptcy Litigation Overview

In this program, attorneys Rich Beck and Benjamin Fischer will review the fundamentals of bankruptcy litigation and related developments with a focus on Delaware practice.

This complimentary program will qualify for 1 hour of PA CLE substantive credit.*

Attendees may also apply for CLE credits in jurisdictions with reciprocity, including Delaware, New Jersey and New York.

Thursday, April 2, 2025
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

Please register here to attend this CLE.

On the registration page, you will be asked to indicate whether you wish to attend in person or online. Please note that in-person capacity is limited. If you select in-person attendance but capacity has been reached, you will be notified so that you may plan to attend online. All Registrants will receive a link to attend online. 

*In order to qualify for CLE credit, you must attend at least 50 minutes of the live presentation. Verification codes will be provided to confirm participation.

Attend in person:

1835 Market Street, 15th Floor

Philadelphia, PA 19103

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