Our family law attorneys have earned well-deserved reputations for consistently being extremely well-prepared, compassionate advocates and advisors, who have mastered practicing family law in and outside the courthouses in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
We provide zealous, compassionate and professional representation to our clients, who range from working families to high-net-worth individuals, including but not limited to individuals in the business, medical, legal, accounting and educational communities, as well as high-profile athletes, celebrities and politicians. We also represent dependent spouses and/or individuals with limited to no work experience. It is our job to assist all individuals in achieving their personal goals related to the dissolution of their relationships and other related family law matters, as these issues prove to impact individuals and families of every background. It is our goal to help ensure that the individuals we represent come out of their divorce and related family law issues emotionally and financially intact. We are sensitive to the expense of having legal representation and the related fees and consistently attempt to minimize the cost. Although our clients have varied backgrounds, interests and needs, the common denominator for each of them is that they are often dealing with highly emotional and personal family and financial issues that they are unable to resolve on their own.
We assist our clients in achieving their goals through strategic planning, artful negotiations, clear communication, and when necessary, thoughtful and effective litigation techniques.
Our attorneys are regularly ranked on Best Lawyers in America, Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and Rising Stars lists. We are active members and leaders of the state and local bar associations’ family law sections. Two of our attorneys are fellows of the highly regarded American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. We have trained mediators and co-parenting coordinators as part of our Family Law Practice Group. Our attorneys are regularly called upon to speak on various topics for continuing legal education providers, local and state bar associations and the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. In addition to speaking at the local and national levels, the members of our group regularly write articles for assorted periodicals. Last but not least, the attorneys and other members of our family law practice group regularly work with clients from various non-profit legal organizations as part of our pro-bono service.
The specific services that our firm provides include but are not limited to the following: